I’ve never been much for ladders. No, not the ones you used to paint high walls or clean out the gutters; the career ones. The ladder climbers who only see themselves and one thing at the top: opportunity. I do respect experienced people. They maximize every environment, task, failure and success as a building block […]
tip tuesday
Whose Voice Are You Listening To?
Five Voices You Shouldn’t Listen To: The Self-Pity Voice – Tell it to get over yourself and carry on! The Entitlement Voice – Tell it to work hard and remain humble! The “Get Even” Voice – Tell it that you will focus on forgiving and rising above! The “Grass Is Greener” Voice – Tell it […]
Do you possess this one quality?
There’s one value that high-impacting and successful people possess. It’s also the same quality that keeps you getting back up when life knocks you down. Press play to find out & then comment below.