I dare you in 2017 to be good at conflict!


Yes, you read that correctly; ROCK conflict this year. Be willing to disrupt your own personal harmony and address the things that need to be confronted in yourself, and be brave enough to have a tough conversation with someone who matters.

Even if looking inward scares you and creates an emotional mess.

Even if that person rejects your attempts to talk about the “elephant in the room”, do it anyway.

What can feel like pressure, could be your breakthrough; because “easy” never grew anyone.

If your desire is healing, you must address the pain and hurt. If your desire is reconciliation, you must be willing to admit your own mistakes and be vulnerable with another. If your desire is peace, you must fight for it.

See the trend? What you desire will take a certain measure of conflict. Not the fist-throwing, name-calling type, but the willingness to step up to what is bringing destruction and confront it.

Hebrews 12:14 says,
Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life…”  

Peace takes work and living holy also takes SERIOUS work. The word “holy” means “dedicated to” and the minute you decided to make Jesus your priority, you dedicated yourself to Him and Him alone.

Ready to disrupt you life in 2017? You got this, because He’s got YOU!


Mad love,
