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THEME INSIGHTS: I am (Being) ———-> An emotional person I will (Doing) ———-> Make the visceral explicit I Bring (Contribution) ———-> Emotional intelligence I need (Requirement) ———-> Freedom to laugh, cry, vent I love (Value) —————> The gladness, sadness, madness of humanity I Hate (Value) —————> Those things that block or limit emotional expression Metaphor/Image […]

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Opportunity Vs. Experience!

I’ve never been much for ladders. No, not the ones you used to paint high walls or clean out the gutters; the career ones. The ladder climbers who only see themselves and one thing at the top: opportunity. I do respect experienced people. They maximize every environment, task, failure and success as a building block […]

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(Video Courtesy of Gallup Strengths Center) THEME INSIGHTS: I am (Being) ———-> An efficient manager of limited resources I will (Doing) ———-> Plan in advance then follow the plan I Bring (Contribution) ———-> Precision and detail orientation I need (Requirement) ———-> A structured and organized environment I love (Value) —————> Things that are organized and […]

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