I’ve always loved Fridays…..

When I was young, Fridays meant school was out and it was time for friends, shopping, fun, and church! As I’ve gotten older, Fridays have come to mean multiple things for me but they still hold a certain anticipation of adventures yet to come.

As I’ve set out on this new blog relaunch, I want to stay closely connected with my readers in a personable way. I can imagine if we were chatting over coffee and a burrito, the things I would share with you that are in my “world”. Of course I would ask you to share yours too.

Here’s a few things I’m currently looking at in bed before I fall asleep, in the morning when my husband I are chatting over coffee and also through the hustle and bustle of the day. Hope you enjoy and check them out!

Happy Friday,


(PS – If you think I should try, read, experiment or check out something for my weekly “Top Five Fridays” let me know in the comments below!)


#TOPFIVE – Friday, November 18th, 2016

1. Quote I’m Processing!


Image Courtesy of Pinterest.com


2. Product I Can’t Live Without!


Becca Skin Perfecter – Image Courtesy of Sephora


3. App I’m Obsessed With!



SlideShare – Image Courtesy of Apple iTunes



4. Book I’m Reading!


Image Courtesy of Amazon.com


5. Challenge I’m Trying!
(I host a monthly 5FOR5 challenge where a group of people maximize the 5AM hour for 5 days utilizing two principles that will increase productivity – Join the movement HERE!)


Image Courtesy of Google.com