I am (Being) ———-> Genuine and authentic

I will (Doing) ———-> Get to know more about the people closest to me

I Bring (Contribution) ———-> Social depth and transparency

I need (Requirement) ———-> Time and opportunities for one-on-one opportunities

I love (Value) —————> Close, caring, mutual relationships

I Hate (Value) —————> The initial social discomfort of meeting someone new

Metaphor/Image ———-> Knowing and being known by friends

Barrier Label ———-> Cliquish cronyism



RELATOR: Socially transparent, I invite my friends in.

INCLUDER: Socially inclusive, I invite outsiders in.


RELATOR: I want to get to know more about the people I already know.

WOO: I want to get to know more people.


Want to discover your Top Five strengths, then click HERE to take the assessment. If you or someone you know has RELATOR, then comment below!